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Henry "Rival" Vijande, BOR

Thru his continued dedication  Rival has acquired skills and experiences in the many facets of this dance ( i.e. Cyphering, Battling, Competing, Commercial/Entertainment/Theatrical work, Street Dancing, Training, Teaching & Learning ). Rival has also created and organized events ( Cypher in the Hood (Cypha in da Hood) Bboy & Bgirl event,  2008 East Coast Overdose, Freedom of Expressions). He started, operated, and owned a small business named NBK Studio.His continued passion and dedication has created the platform for BBOY BGIRL LIFESTYLE.  " Be in tune with yourself, and that will connect you to the beat that matters!"-RIVAL


Duane "LazyRockz" Sy, BOR

"LazyRockz” has been part of the breakin scene since 1997 and eventually joined the Natural Elements Crew, where he learned more about music, dance, Breakin, Hip Hop and its Culture. Now, with The Lab DC he is still shaping the boundaries of the dance by creating new methods to train and teach the world about Breakin’ and its Culture. He hopes to pass the stories and knowledge on to the next generation and with the help of others has helped create the United Breakin Association and the Competitive Breakin’ League, which has opened up other avenues for the community to interact and compete in structured format.


Nefeli "sMash" Tsiouti, BOR

Nefeli started dancing ballet in 1995 and continued with hip-hop/breaking in the 2000s. With a BA Degree in French Language & Literature, an MA in Choreography & an MSc in Dance Science, Nefeli is the Founder & Director of  ‘Project Breakalign’, a prevention of injuries research project for bboys/bgirls. Nefeli has received multiple awards on her research in breaking and lectures globally in Conferences and breaking camps/events. Her dance has taken her to many global stages including London Olympics Opening Ceremony 2012, Sadler’s Wells, Barcelona International Dance Exchange and more.



Board Emeritus


Antonio "Tazk" Castillo, BOR 2013 - 2016

Candy Molia, BOR, President 2013 - 2017



Ellen M. Zavian, Acting Executive Director/GC

First female/attorney NFL agent, represented the US Women’s soccer, softball and extreme athletes, collectively, has been employed at the NFLPA, Autism Society of America, the ACC, held the Commissioner  title for the Central Atlantic Collegiate Conference (NCAA), is currently a certified AAA Arbitrator, Acting Director of the United Breakin Association, professional corporate speaker on leadership and negotiation skills while teaching sports and entrepreneurship at George Washington University. She has a bboy son, was a ballerina for 14 yrs, and competed in marathons and triathlons.

Phillsbury Winthrop Shaw Pittman Law Firm provides pro bono services to the UBA


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